Dr. Raviv’s Take:


  • Great range of vision from distance to computer
  • Diminished nighttime halos or glare compared to a full range of vision multifocal IOL
  • Typically eliminates the need for distance and computer glasses


  • Most patient still require light readers for closer, fine print, even phone
  • There is some contrast lost with the IOL, which means that if the eye has other eye conditions (for example: macular pucker, macular degeneration or even dry eye) than the post op vision can be more compromised than with a monofocal.
  • Needs a touch up such as LASIK/PRK or even IOL exchange at a rate similar to multifocal IOLs

I place this IOL in cataract surgery patients with otherwise healthy eyes and 20/20 potential vision.  I’m not a fan of using the Vivity in post LASIK eyes,  as those eyes have a higher chance of having residual astigmatism postoperatively - which is not tolerated by the Vivity and can result in blurrier vision than desired.

Cataract Surgery Lens (IOL) Options

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